About this exam preparation guide
This exam preparation guide is designed to inform you about the Red Seal exam process. The guide provides you information about what to do before taking your Red Seal exam, the exam itself and what happens after you write your exam. The Red Seal exams are developed in collaboration with provinces and territories across the country. However, provincial and territorial apprenticeship authorities are responsible for managing and administering the exams for Red Seal trades (Appendix A). If you meet all the requirements to write the Red Seal exam for your trade, please contact your provincial or territorial office (Appendix B) to register.
The exam preparation guide also provides strategies for test preparation and study habits. It contains examples of: multiple choice questions, study plan, assessment checklist, and other useful tips to help you prepare for the Red Seal exam.
Contact your local apprenticeship office for further information and assistance in preparing for your Red Seal exam.