Trades people generally have thorough and reliable training on the job and, while they know how to perform well in their profession, it is often difficult to set aside the time to prepare for exams to reach the next level.
At Ace Trades and Technical Institute (ATTI), we have geared our red seal exam training and refresher course to the demands of industry, scheduling our classes on evenings and weekends, so no one misses precious work time or sacrifices a pay cheque to learn the required material. Increasingly, we are also offering online video training courses for those who wish to immigrate to Canada and want to prepare to write the exam soon after they arrive. For More Information On Red Seal Programs, visit
Alternatively, call/visit local apprenticeship board office in the province or territory where the candidate resides.
For list of upcoming Inter-provincial Red Seal Refresher Courses in next few months , please click on link below :
If you are interested in any trades program at ACE Trades and Technical Institute, please visit our Academic Calendar for current schedule’s. For more details, you can directly contact local number:(604)304-4009 or toll free number: 1-855-471-3926 or send us an email at